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Books & Bubbles

Books & Bubbles

This drop in story time is designed for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers together with their caretakers. We share simple books, songs, finger plays, and rhythm instruments with a bit of sign language here and there. We always end with bubbles! To see a flyer summarizing story times for various ages of children, click here.

Books & Bubbles is very interactive and structured, with all adults helping the children connect with the books and songs. Please plan to sing, talk, and engage with your child as we all teach them and model how storytimes work and how the stories connect with things in their daily lives. We repeat songs for a month but the books will be new each week. Often but not always, our books match the Toddler Time theme. We always end by cleaning up our rhythm instruments and then bringing out the bubbles. At the close, we all count down from 10 and then wave goodbye to the bubbles.

 Registration is not required for most story times.
We meet nearly every week year-round.

We cancel children’s events whenever Mason City Schools close due to Severe Weather. Delays do not count as closings.




Friday, December 13, 2024 Show more dates
10:10am - 10:30am
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Ms. Cheryl and Jess
Children's Meeting Room
  2-3 Year Olds     3-8 Year Olds     6-23 months     Children's Program     Family Program  

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Cheryl Vasan
Cheryl Vasan

Ms. Cheryl is a voracious reader and dedicated cyclist. She especially enjoys fantasy, science fiction, and young adult novels.

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